Page 74 - E-BOOK English
P. 74

Gleyic Fluvisols

                     Gleyic Fluvisols have a layer ≥ 25 cm  or grayish brown loam, clay loam or silty clay
            thick, and starting ≥ 75 cm from the mineral  loam B horizon and loamy sand to sandy loam

            surface soil, that has gleyic properties throughout  C horizon approximately 100 cm from the surface

            and reducing conditions in some parts of every  soil. These soils are mottled throughout, the
            sublayer.                                        mottling in the surface layer being “inverted

                     Sapphaya series (Sa) is a representative   gley” caused by the impounding of water and

            of Gleyic Fluvisols. Sapphaya soils are formed   puddling of the soil for wetland rice cultivation.
            from alluvium and occur on the lower parts of    Mottles in the B or C horizon are mainly dark

            the stream and river levees. Relief is flat to   yellowish brown, strong brown and dark brown
            nearly flat. Slopes are about 0-1 percent. They   in colour. Mica flakes occur throughout the

            are deep soil and characterized by a dark grayish    profile.  Soil  pH  is  moderately  acid  to
            brown or very dark grayish brown loam or silty   moderately alkaline (pH 6.0-8.0). Flooding is the

            clay loam A horizon, overlying a stratified brown   main constraint for rice production.

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