Page 71 - E-BOOK English
P. 71

The representatives of Fluvisols in Thailand

              Eutric Fluvisols

                       Eutric  Fluvisols have an effective base

              saturation [exchangeable (Ca + Mg + K + Na) /Exchangeable
              (Ca + Mg + K + Na + Al); exchangeable bases by

              1 M NH OAc (pH 7), exchangeable Al by 1 M KCl
              (unbuffered)] of ≥ 50% in the major part between 20
              and 100 cm from the mineral surface soil.

                       Chiang Mai series (Cm) is a representative

              of Eutric Fluvisols. Chiang Mai soils are formed from
              recent alluvium and occur on the higher parts of the
              river and stream levee, mostly found in the North of

              Thailand. Relief is level to nearly level with locally an
              undulating micro-relief. Slopes range from 0-3

              percent. Drainage is moderately well drained.
              Permeability is moderate and surface runoff is slow.
              They are very deep and stratified soils and characterized

              by a brown or grayish brown or dark brown loam, silt
              loam or sandy loam A horizon overlying a brown or
              yellowish brown or dark yellowish brown loam, silty

              clay loam or sandy loam C horizon. Textures of the
              subsoil are variable, with such stratification but fall in
              the loamy particle size class in the control section.

              Faint or distinct mottles usually occur in the subsoil.
              Soil pH is moderately acid to neutral (pH 6.0-7.0). All

              horizons contain abundant mica flakes. Rainy season
              flood is one problem that should be considered before
              planting. However, in the irrigated area can be

              cultivated with fertilizer application for higher yield.

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