Page 19 - E-BOOK English
P. 19

Calcisols  Retisols  Acrisols  Lixisols  Alisols  Luvisols  Cambisols  Arenosols  Fluvisols  Regosols

                   yes     yes      yes      yes     yes     yes      yes      yes      yes      yes          RSGs RSGs is not found in Thailand and may need further

                     Calcic or petrocalcic horizon  no  Retic properties  no  Argic horizon with   <24, BS <50%  CEC c  no  Argic horizon with   <24  CEC c  no  Argic horizon with   >60%  >24, Al sat CEC c  no  Argic horizon with   >24  CEC c  no  Cambic horizon  no  Coarse texture >100 cm  no  Fluvic materials  no  Other soils  RSGs is not found in Thailand (6 RSGs)  classification (8 RSGs)

            Simplified Key to the Reference Soil Groups

                   23       24       25      26      27       28       29      30       31       32

                     Nitisols  Ferralsols  Planosols  Stagnosols  Chernozems  Kastanozems  Phaeozems  Umbrisols  Durisols  Gypsisols

                   yes       yes     yes      yes        yes     yes       yes         yes     yes   yes

                     Argic and nitic horizons  no  Ferralichorizon  no  Abrupt textural change  no  Stagnic properties  no  Chernic or blackish mollic  horizon  no  horizon  Brownish mollic  and secondary CaCO 3  no  horizon  Mollic  no  Umbric horizon  no  Duric or petroduric horizon  no  or petrogypsic  Gypsic  horizon

                   13        14      15        16        17       18        19         20      21     22

                    Histosols  Anthrosols  Technosols  Cryosols  Leptosols  Solonetz  Vertisols  Solonchaks  Gleysols  Andosols  Podzols  Plinthosols

                   yes   yes     yes     yes     yes     yes     yes      yes     yes   yes     yes     yes

                   Organic matter >40 cm   deep  no  Human modifications  no  Artefacts  no  horizon  Cryic  no  Depth <25 cm  no  Natric horizon  no  horizon >35% clay vertic  no  Salic horizon  no  Gleyic properties  no  Andic and vitric horizons  no  horizon  Spodic  no  Plinthite or petroplinthite  within 25 cm

                   1      2       3       4       5      6        7       8       9       10     11      12

   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24