Page 18 - E-BOOK English
P. 18

Key to the Reference Soil Groups                        RSG          Code

             5. Pronounced accumulation of organic matter in the mineral topsoil

             Very dark topsoil, secondary carbonates:                           Chernozems*         CH
             Dark topsoil, secondary carbonates:                                Kastanozems         KS

             Dark topsoil, no secondary carbonates (unless very deep),
             high base status:                                                  Phaeozems           PH

             Dark topsoil, low base status:                                     Umbrisols*         UM

             6. Accumulation of moderately soluble salts or non-saline substances
             Accumulation of, and cementation by, secondary silica:             Durisols*           DU
             Accumulation of secondary gypsum:                                  Gypsisols**         GY

             Accumulation of secondary carbonates:                              Calcisols**         CL

             7. Soils with clay-enriched subsoil
             Interfingering of coarser-textured, lighter coloured material into a
             finer-textured, stronger coloured layer:                           Retisols**          RT

             Low-activity clays, low base status:                               Acrisols            AC

             Low-activity clays, high base status:                              Lixisols            LX
             High-activity clays, low base status:                              Alisols*            AL

             High-activity clays, high base status:                             Luvisols            LV

             8. Soils with little or no profile differentiation
             Moderately developed:                                              Cambisols           CM

             Sandy:                                                             Arenosols           AR

             Stratified fluviatile, marine and lacustrine sediments:            Fluvisols           FL

             No significant profile development:                                Regosols            RG

            Remarks:   ** RSGs is not found in Thailand (6 RSGs)

                        * RSGs is not found in Thailand and may need further classification (8 RSGs)

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