Page 20 - E-BOOK English
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Chapter 3

            The Reference

            Soil Groups of Thailand

            Table 5      Correlation between soil classification of WRB and Soil taxonomy system.

                         WRB (2014)                                Soil Taxonomy (2014)

                 RSGs                 WRB               Order                  Great Group

             Histosols      Fibric Histosols         Histosols    Haplofibrists

             Leptosols      Skeletic Leptosols       Entisols     Udorthents
             Arenosols      Gleyic Arenosols         Entisols     Psammaquents

                            Rubic Arenosols                       Ustipsamments

             Fluvisols      Eutric Fluvisols         Entisols     Ustifluvents

                            Gleyic Fluvisols                      Endoaquepts
             Vertisols      Chromic Vertisols        Vertisols    Haplusterts

                            Chromic Vertisols                     Endoaquerts

                            Pellic Vertisols                      Pellusterts

             Gleysols       Thionic Gleysols         Entisols     Sulfaquents
                            Eutric Gleysols          Inceptisols Endoaquepts

                            Mollic Gleysols          Mollisols    Endoaquolls

             Cambisols      Chromic Cambisols        Inceptisols Eutrudepts

                            Dystric Cambisols                     Dystrustepts
                            Entric Cambisols                      Eutrudepts

                            Skeletic Cambisols                    Dystrustepts

             Solonchaks     Gleyic Solonchaks        Inceptisols Halaquepts

             Solonetz       Gleyic Solonetz          Alfisols     Natraqualfs

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