Page 16 - E-BOOK English
P. 16

Diagnostic horizon                               Soil taxonomy
              properties and materials

             Shrink-swell cracks        Cracks that open and close periodically
             Sideralic properties       Requirements of oxic horizon except texture requirement

             Soil organic carbon        Requirement of organic Soil Material

             Sombric horizon            Sombric horizon

             Spodic horizon             Spodic horizon
             Stagnic properties         Episaturation or temporarily saturated with surface water

             Strongly humic properties >1.4 g organic C 100 g  soil in 100 cm of depth; assume bulk density
                                        1.5 Mg m -3
             Sulfidic soil material     Sulfidic material

             Sulfuric horizon           Sulfuric horizon

             Takyric horizon**          Clayey surface crust in flooded arid soils

             Tephric soil material**    Slightly weathered volcanic tephra
             Terric horizon**           Mineral material applied by humans

             Thionic horizon            Sulfuric horizon

             Umbric horizon**           Umbric epipedon

             Vertic horizon             more prominent of shrink-swell cracks, slickensides or wedge-shapedpeds
             Vitric horizon**           10% or more volcanic glass

             Yermic horizon**           Surface layer of gravel, desert pavement

            Remarks:  ** not found in Thailand

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