Page 153 - E-BOOK English
P. 153

(Profile features

                       Vertisols are heavy clay soils with dark colour, fine texture, and deep-wide cracks from
              the surface downward when they dry out. Deep and wide cracks allow soil material from the
              surface to fall deeper, causing churning and, consequently, an undulating surface. These soils
              mostly have low development and unclear horizons in their profiles.

              Environment and landforms

                       Vertisols frequently occur in tropical, subtropical, semi-arid to sub-humid regions where
              the process of alternative wetting and drying is pronounced. These soils are often found in
              lower landscape positions of plains to undulating terraces. They also occur under natural
              grassland and/or woodland and can develop on base-rich parent materials, such as limestone,
              in the tropical regions.

              Use and management

                       Vertisols are one of the productive soils of Thailand but still have limitations. In dry
              areas, cracks of Vertisols negatively influence agricultural applications such as tillage, whereas
              this problem is less in humid or irrigated areas. These soils are being cultivated for corn and
              sugarcane in uplands. At the same time, large areas of Vertisols in lowlands are used for paddy
              rice production, and some areas are for growing vegetable plants.

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