Page 149 - E-BOOK English
P. 149

The representatives of Solonetz in Thailand

              Gleyic Solonetz

                       Gleyic Solonetz have a layer ≥ 25 cm  yellowish brown or brownish yellow mottles
              thick, and starting ≤ 75 cm from the mineral  occur throughout the profile. Reaction is very

              surface soil, that has gleyic properties throughout  strongly acid to strongly alkaline (pH 5.0-8.5).
              and reducing conditions in some parts of every  This soil contains salt crusts that are not suitable

              sublayer.                                        for any crop production. Thus, they are

                       Kula Ronghai series (Ki) is a representative   maintained as bare land with patches of
              of Gleyic Solonetz.  Kula Ronghai soils are      salt-tolerant weeds and native shrubs. Patches

              formed from old alluvium and occur on the        can be used for the cultivation of paddy rice if

              lower part of peneplain, mainly in Northeast     the salinity is not too high and water supply is
              region. Relief is level to nearly level. Slope is   adequate.
              0 to 2 percent. Drainage is poorly drained

              annually,  flooded  by  river  water  and  by

              impounded rain water up to 1 m deep for
              3 to 4 months. Permeability is moderate to
              slow and runoff is slow. They are deep salt

              affected soils and characterized by a dark

              grayish brown or grayish brown sandy loam or
              loam A horizon overlying a pinkish gray or gray
              loam, sandy clay loam or light clay loam natric

              B horizon. The C horizon occurs at some depth

              below 100 cm of the surface with a light gray
              or greenish gray loam or light clay loam texture.
              The 2C horizon of light brown or light yellowish

              brown sandy loam or loamy sand may occur

              instead of the C horizon. Strong brown and/or

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