Page 158 - E-BOOK English
P. 158

Pellic Vertisols

                     Pellic Vertisols have a Munsell colour value

            of ≤ 3 and a chroma of ≤ 2, both moist in the upper
            30 cm of the soil.

                     Lop Buri series (Lb) is a representative

            of Pellic Vertisols. Lop Buri soils are formed from
            alluvium which is rich in montmorillonitic clay,

            underlying marl layer and occur on terraces
            adjacent to limestone hills in central of Thailand.

            Relief is nearly flat to slightly undulating. Slopes
            are 1 to 5 percent.  Drainage is well drained.

            Permeability is slow and runoff is slow to moderate.
            The soil dries and cracks deeply during the dry

            season. They are deep neutral to moderately
            alkaline soils and characterized by a very thick black

            or very dark gray clay A horizon overlying a black or
            very dark gray coloured B horizon. Slickensides and

            pressure faces are characteristic of the dark coloured
            B horizon. The marl layer has its upper boundary at

            some depth below 80 cm from the surface soil and
            scattered secondary lime nodules occur throughout.

            Cracks width ≥ 1 cm at 50 cm depth open for long
            periods during the dry season. Soil pH is slightly

            acid to strongly alkaline (pH 6.5-9.0). In the dry area,
            cracks of this soil negatively influence agricultural

            applications such as tillage, whereas this problem is
            less in humid or irrigated areas.

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