Page 99 - E-BOOK English
P. 99

Soil classification

              WRB: Calcic Kastanozems
              Soil taxonomy: Loamy-skeletal, carbonatic, semiactive, isohyperthermic Entic Haplustolls

              Soil series: Takhli series (Tk)

              Profile description

                 0-21 cm (Ap) Very dark grayish brown
                  (10YR 3/2) clay loam; weak coarse and
                  medium subangular blocky parting to fine
                  granular structures; friable, sticky and plastic;

                  common medium and fine roots; few marl
                  fragments about 5% (0.3-1 cm in diameter);

                  moderately alkaline (field pH 8.0); clear,
                  smooth boundary.

                 21-40 cm (Bw) Dark brown to brown
                  (7.5YR 4/2) clay loam; weak coarse and

                  medium subangular blocky structures; friable,
                  sticky and plastic; few fine and very fine
                  roots; gravels composed of marl about

                  10-15% (0.3-1 cm in diameter); moderately
                  alkaline (field pH 8.0); clear, smooth boundary.

                 40-87 cm (Ck1) Dark brown to brown

                  (7.5YR 4-5/2) very gravelly clay loam;
                  weak fine and medium subangular blocky
                  structures; friable, sticky and slightly plastic;

                  few  fine  and  very  fine  roots;  gravels
                  composed of marl about 50-60% (0.3-1 cm in diameter), one animal hole (2-3 cm);
                  moderately alkaline (field pH 8.0); gradual, smooth boundary.

               87-119 cm (Ck2) Brown (7.5YR 5/2-4) extremely gravelly clay loam; structureless; few fine
                  and very fine roots; one animal hole (12-15 cm in diameter), gravels composed of marl about

                  70-80% (0.5-2 cm in diameter); moderately alkaline (field pH 8.0); gradual, smooth

               119-220 cm (Ck3) Brown (7.5YR 5/2-4) extremely gravelly clay loam; structureless; same as
                  the upper horizon but no root in this horizon.

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