Page 83 - E-BOOK English
P. 83

Eutric Gleysols

                       Eutric Gleysols have an effective base   drained. They are very deep and characterized

              saturation [exchangeable (Ca + Mg + K + Na) /   by a dark coloured A horizon overlying a paler
              Exchangeable (Ca + Mg + K + Na + Al); exchangeable   coloured B horizon containing red mottles in

              bases by 1 M NH OAc (pH 7), exchangeable  the upper layers and brownish yellow and
              Al by 1 M KCl (unbuffered)] of ≥ 50%: in the  yellowish brown mottles in the lower layers.

              major part between 20 and 100 cm from the  The B horizon overlies a reduced greenish gray
              mineral surface soil.                            marine clay which is low in sulphur. Pressure

                       Chachoengsao  series  (Cc)  is  a       faces and slickensides are characteristic of the

              representative of Eutric Gleysols.  Chachoengsao   B horizon. Soil pH is strongly acid to moderately
              soils are formed from marine sediments mixed with   alkaline (pH 5.5-8.0). Land use limitation is

              riverine alluvium under brackish water influence.    30-40 cm flooding depth over a period of 4-5
              They occur in former tidal flats or alluvial     months per year.

              plain which grade down to marine deposits
              and now free of tidal flooding which has been

              in cultivation for some time. This soil is found
              in the southeast of the Central plain. Relief is

              flat. Slopes are about 0-1 %. Drainage is poorly

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