Page 86 - E-BOOK English
P. 86

Mollic Gleysols

                     Mollic  Gleysols have a thick   and permeability are slow. They are deep,
            dark-coloured surface horizon with a high base  slightly acid to moderately alkaline soils

            saturation and a moderate to high content of  and characterized by a thick black A horizon
            organic matter.                                  overlying a paler coloured, predominantly

                     Bang Len series (Bl) is a representative   yellowish brown mottled B horizon, which in
            of Mollic Gleysols. Bang Len soils are formed    turn overlies a reduced marine clay horizon
            from marine sediments mixed with riverine        which is low in sulphur. Gypsum crystals occur

            alluvium under brackish water influence. They    in the lower A and B horizons. Slickensides and

            occur in former tidal flats or alluvial plain.    pressure faces are found in the B horizon. Soil
            Relief is flat. Slopes are about 0-1 percent. This   pH is neutral to moderately alkaline (pH 7-8).
            soil is typically found moderately extent in the   Land use limitation is 50-200 cm flooding depth

            Central Plain. Drainage is poorly drained. Runoff   over a period of 6 months per year.

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