Page 143 - E-BOOK English
P. 143

The representatives of Solonchaks in Thailand

              Gleyic Solonchaks

                       Gleyic Solonchaks have a layer ≥ 25  ors. They contain large quantity of soluble salts.
              cm thick, and starting ≤ 75 cm from the mineral  The white salt crust at the surface in the dry

              surface soil, that has gleyic properties throughout  season is a main diagnostic feature for these soils.
              and reducing conditions in some parts of every  Reaction is slightly acid to moderately alkaline

              sublayer.                                        (pH 5.0-6.5). Land use in areas where high salt

                       Udon series (Ud) is a representative    accumulation is at the surface soil must have a
              of Gleyic Solonchaks. Udon soils are formed      suitable cultural practice before the cultivation

              from wash deposit and occur on the lower part    of main crops to slow down the salt transport,

              of peneplain. Relief is nearly level to gently    which enhances crop growth. Also, other salt-tol-
              undulating which slopes range from 1 to 3        erant crops may be grown for household and
              percent. These soils are found in the northeast    community benefits.

              of Thailand. Drainage is somewhat poorly

              drained. They are deep, stratified soils and
              are characterized by a light brown, brown or
              grayish brown loamy sand or sandy loam A

              horizon overlying variable colour and texture, but

              mainly are pinkish gray, light brownish gray
              or gray sandy clay loam, sandy clay or clay
              alternating with sandy loam or loamy sand B and

              C horizons. These soils are mottled throughout

              the profile with brownish and/or yellowish col-

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