Page 56 - E-BOOK English
P. 56

Eutric Cambisols

                     Eutric Cambisols have an effective base

            saturation [exchangeable (Ca + Mg + K + Na) /
            Exchangeable (Ca + Mg + K + Na + Al); exchangeable

            bases by 1 M NH OAc (pH 7), exchangeable Al by
            1 M KCl (unbuffered)] of ≥ 50%: in the major part

            between 20 and 100 cm from the mineral surface

                     Bung  Chanang  series  (Bng) is a

            representative of Eutric Cambisols. Bueng Chanang
            soils are formed from marl deposits on marl terrain.

            Relief is nearly level to undulating. Slope are about
            2-12 percent. Drainage is well drained. They

            occupy some area in southeast coast of Thailand.
            Soil permeability is moderate and surface runoff

            is rapid. They are shallow to a layer of secondary
            lime concretion or marl layer and characterized

            by a dark reddish brown or dark brown clay surface
            or A horizon overlying a reddish brown or yellowish

            red clay cambic B horizon over a whitish secondary
            lime concretion or marl layer. Soil pH is neutral

            to strongly alkaline (pH 7.0-8.5). Land use limitations
            are shallow to secondary lime nodules and lack

            of water in growing season.

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