Page 53 - E-BOOK English
P. 53
The representatives of Cambisols in Thailand
Dystric Cambisols
Dystric Cambisols have an effective are found in the north of Central plain, Thailand.
base saturation [exchangeable (Ca + Mg + K + Drainage is well drained to moderately well
Na) / exchangeable (Ca + Mg + K + Na + Al); drained. Runoff and permeability are moderate.
exchangeable bases by 1 M NH OAc (pH 7), They are deep and characterized by a thick dark
exchangeable Al by 1 M KCl (unbuffered)] of < brown or dark grayish brown sandy loam A
50% in half or more of the part between 20 horizon, overlying a brown, dark brown or
and 100 cm from the mineral surface soils. reddish brown sandy loam to sandy clay loam
Don Chedi series (Dc) is a cambic B horizon, distinct mottles may occur
representative of Dystric Cambisols. in the deeper subsoil. Soil pH is very strongly
Don Chedi soils is formed from alluvium and to strongly acid (pH 5.0-5.5). Land use limitations
occur on coalescing fan or remnants of old are low fertility, coarse texture, high
creek levees. Relief is nearly flat to slightly permeability and low water holding capacity.
undulating. Slopes are about 1-5 percent. They