Page 32 - E-BOOK English
P. 32
Gleyic Skeletic Acrisols
Gleyic Skeletic Acrisols have coarse brown gravelly loam or gravelly sandy clay loam
fragments ≥ 40 percent by volume within a upper argillic B horizon and light brown or
depth of 100 cm from the surface soil or from pinkish gray gravelly clay loam or gravelly
the mineral surface soil to continuous rock, sandy clay loam lower argillic B horizon which
technic hard material, or a cemented or in turn overlies gray or light gray clay C horizon.
indurated layer, whichever is shallower. These They are mottled throughout the profile with
soils have the dominance of gleyic properties, colours of strong brown, yellowish brown, and/
a layer of ≥ 25 cm thick and start at the depth or yellowish red at the surface and strong brown,
of ≤ 40 cm from the mineral surface. In addition, dark brown, yellowish red, and/or red in the
these soils have reducing conditions in some subsoil. Soft plinthic soils are found relatively
parts of every sublayer. 5-50 percent by volume within 150 cm from
Phen series (Pn) is a representative of the mineral surface. The reaction is strongly
Gleyic Skeletic Acrisols. This soil is formed from to very strongly acid throughout the profile.
old alluvium over shale and/or siltstone, Shallow soil and low fertility can limit soil
fine-grained sandstone, and occurs on the capability for agricultural land uses.
lower part of peneplain. Relief is level to
gently undulating. Slopes are 2 percent or less.
This soil is typically found in the northeast of
Thailand. They are shallow to the layer of loose
ironstone nodules within 50 cm depth from
the surface. These soils are characterized by a
grayish brown or brown loam or sandy loam
(gravelly) A horizon overlying a brown or strong