Page 137 - E-BOOK English
P. 137

The representatives of Podzols in Thailand

              Albic Podzols

                       Albic Podzols have a layer of albic  or A horizon overlying a light gray or white

              material ≥ 1 cm thick, and starting ≤ 100 cm  loamy sand or sand E horizon. The spodic or

              from the mineral surface soil, that does not  Bh horizon has a reddish brown, dark brown,
              consist of tephric material, does not contain  dark yellowish brown or brown sandy loam or
              carbonates, and does not contain gypsum; and  loamy sand texture between 50 to 100 cm from

              that overlies a diagnostic horizon or forms part  the surface soil. Under the spodic horizon is a

              of a layer with stagnic properties.              yellowish brown or light gray with brownish

                       Ban Thon series (Bh) is a representative   yellow or strong brown mottled loamy sand or
              of Albic Podzols. Ban Thon soils are formed      sand C horizon (spodic horizon meet within 200

              from an old beach or dune on the lower part      cm from the surface soil). Soil pH is very strongly
              of old beach ridges or dune sand and occurs on   acid to moderately acid (pH 5.0-6.0). The major

              beach ridges along the coastline. Relief is nearly   of constraint is acute nutrient deficiency, aridity
              level to gently undulating. Slopes are about 1   in the dry season, and waterlogging in the wet

              to 5 percent. These soils are typically found    season. Therefore, most cultivated areas have
              along coastal zone in peninsular and southeast   been abandoned and converted to an area of

              coast of Thailand. Drainage is well drained over   low secondary shrubs and grasses.
              moderately well drained to somewhat poorly

              drained. They are moderately deep soils to
              cemented spodic materials and characterized by

              a black or very dark gray loamy sand surface

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