Page 131 - E-BOOK English
P. 131

Stagnic Plinthosols

                       Stagnic Plinthosols have a layer ≥ 25  is estimated to be slow. They are very deep soils
              cm thick, and starting ≤ 75 cm from the mineral  and characterized by a yellowish brown, grayish

              surface soil with stagnic properties in which the  brown or gray clay loam surface or A horizon
              area of reductimorphic colours plus the area of  overlying a gray or light gray clay subsurface

              oximorphic colours is ≥ 25% of the total area,  horizon which in turn overlies a gray or light gray
              and reducing conditions for some time during  clay argillic B horizon. These soils are mottled

              the year in the major part of the soil volume  throughout with common and many fine and
              that has the reductimorphic colours.             medium strong brown and yellowish brown at

                       Klaeng series (Kl) is a representative   the surface, common medium yellowish brown,
              of Stagnic Plinthosols.  Klaeng soils are formed   strong brown with yellowish red and red in the
              from alluvium on alluvial plain. Relief is level   subsurface and dominant red or dusky red in

              to nearly level. Slope is 0 to 2 percent. These   the subsoil within 150 cm from the surface soil.

              soils occupy moderate extent in peninsular and   Soil pH is very strongly acid to moderately acid
              southeast coastal of Thailand. Drainage is poorly   (pH 4.5-6.0). Land use limitation is low fertility.
              drained, permeability is slow and surface runoff

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