Page 119 - E-BOOK English
P. 119

Skeletic Luvisols

                       Skeletic Luvisols have a coarse fragment ≥ 40% (by

              volume) averaged over a depth of 100 cm from the surface soil
              or to continuous rock, technic hard material or a cemented or

              indurated layer, whichever is shallower.

                       Tha Li series (Tl) is a representative of Skeletic
              Luvisols. Tha Li soils are formed from residuum and colluvium

              from andesite and equivalent igneous rocks and occur on
              (dissected) erosional surface and footslope. These soils typically

              occupy moderate extent in Central Highlands. Relief is undulating
              to hilly which slopes range from 3-20 percent. Drainage is

              well drained. Permeability is moderate. Surface runoff is rapid.
              They are gravelly, shallow soils, and characterized by a very

              dark grayish brown, dark reddish brown (gravelly) loam or clay
              loam A horizon overlying a reddish brown or yellowish red

              very gravelly clay loam or very gravelly clay argillic B horizon.
              Weathered and/or partly weathered rock fragments usually

              occur throughout the profile, increasing with depth. The C horizon
              occurs at some deep below 80 cm. Reaction is very strongly

              acid to neutral (pH 5.0-7.0). Land use limitation are shallow soil
              to rock fragment and high risk of erosion on sloping area.

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