Page 110 - E-BOOK English
P. 110
The representatives of Luvisols in Thailand
Chromic Luvisols
Chromic Luvisols have a Munsell surfaces runoff is medium. They are moderately
colour hue redder than 7.5YR and a chroma of deep soils and characterized by a dark brown,
> 4, both moist. And that have a layer, ≥ 30 brown or dark grayish brown sandy loam or
cm thick, between 25 and 150 cm of the surface loam A horizon and reddish brown to yellowish
soil. red sandy clay loam grading to clay loam or
Phetchabun series (Pe) is a representative sandy clay B horizon which in turn overlies
of Chromic Luvisols. Phetchabun soils are yellowish brown gravelly or very gravelly
formed from alluvium on the terrace. Relief is clay loam. Soil pH is very strongly acid to
undulating to gently rolling which slopes range moderately alkaline in the lower B horizon.
from 2-8 percent. They are mostly found in the Mottles are brown or brownish yellow in the
north region. Drainage is moderately well drained. subsoil. These soils have low fertility and high
Permeability is estimated to be moderate and risk of soil erosion on sloping land.